jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

The end of my solo exhibition

My solo exhibition at the Casa De Cultura El Campello is now finished and has been a huge success. I would like to thank all my team involved with the organizing and planning for the inauguration night and of course everyone of you who visited the exhibition.
In particular thank you to Mary and Peter (my best man) and his great speech that he gave, Steven who supervised so well the making and distribution of food and drink and his staff Ann and Mark who performed their duties perfectly. David for his videos and photos, David my brother in law for helping me hang all the paintings and Eliane my sister for being with me. Pere Reig técnico Municipal El Campello who interrupted his holidays to be there for me, and Lourdes Llopis Consejal de Cultura. James my son for designing a brilliant leaflet and of course Pam my wife for her loyal support, te quiero cariño.
Finally if you have time to check out the Blog of Dawn Gold who has written so elegantly about the emotion that went with the painting presented to Patricia Gold and the passing of her husband and our friend Charlie Gold. http://goldbettyboop.blogspot.com

2 comentarios:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS Marcel... so proud of you (hope that doesn't sound condescending) Sure mum will be so happy to have your fabulous painting hanging in her room xxx

  2. I just read the uplifting story about the painting on Dawn's site, very touching but I already knew that you and Pam are kind and generous people. Beautiful work and a beautiful gesture.
